This scenario tests basic arithmetic, unit conversion, and time calculations.Recommended grade: 6th.Difficulty level: Basic. This scenario was originally created by Kamil Wesołowski, Kacper Pogwizd, and Jakub Wojnar-Płeszka, students at the Cracow University of Economics. Scenario: Sylvia and Michael own a pizza place, “Omni Hut“, on a small island that’s a part of a big archipelago. […]

Concepts addressed: box-and-whiskers plot, mean, variance, standard deviation.Recommended grade: 11th.Difficulty level: Basic. Scenario: Sure, school is kind of fun and all, but you’ve always thought that maybe becoming a streamer is the way to go. After all, have you seen how much money some of them make?! Well, we’ll never know if it’s worth it

Statistics – A streamer’s road to fame (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: circle area, circle perimeter, sector of a circle area.Recommended grade: 10th.Difficulty level: Basic. Scenario: It’s a sunny summer morning and you’re thinking about going to the beach for a few hours. Actually, why not take your witty little sister with you, she could use some exercise with all the candy bars she’s been

2D geometry – A day at the beach (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: cylinder volume, cone volume, unit conversion.Recommended grade: 9th.Difficulty level: Advanced.A basic version of Hair volume is also available. Scenario: Every shampoo advert tell us that their product will boost our hair’s volume, but have you ever wondered what the volume of our head of hair actually is? We know, right, who hasn’t?! The

3D geometry – Hair volume (advanced)Read More »

Concepts addressed: percentages, unit conversion, quadratic formula, sphere volume.Recommended grade: 9th.Difficulty level: Advanced.A basic version of A plant in your stomach is also available. Scenario: Remember how, as a kid, we were told that if we accidentally swallowed a fruit seed, a tree will grow inside our stomachs? It seems funny today, but oh man,

3D geometry, equations – A plant in your stomach (advanced)Read More »

Concepts addressed: cube volume, triangular prism volume, square pyramid volume, cylinder volume, percentages.Recommended grade: 7th.Difficulty level: Advanced.A basic version of An order of mine is also available. Scenario: You own a smithy in a small rural town some few miles away from some high mountains. Today seemed like just another lazy day, but suddenly a

3D geometry – An order of mine (advanced)Read More »

Concepts addressed: percentages, date calculation, sphere volume.Recommended grade: 8th.Difficulty level: Basic.An advanced version of A plant in your stomach is also available. Scenario: Remember how, as a kid, we were told that if we accidentally swallowed a fruit seed, a tree will grow inside our stomachs? It seems funny today, but oh man, we didn’t

3D geometry – A plant in your stomach (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: square pyramid volume, triangular prism volume, percentages.Recommended grade: 7th.Difficulty level: Basic.An advanced version of An order of mine is also available. Scenario: You own a smithy in a small rural town some few miles away from some high mountains. Today seemed like just another lazy day, but suddenly a very short, bearded man

3D geometry – An order of mine (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: cylinder volume, cone volume.Recommended grade: 9thDifficulty level: Basic.An advanced version of Hair volume is also available. Scenario: Every shampoo advert tell us that their product will boost our hair’s volume, but have you ever wondered what the volume of our head of hair actually is? We know, right, who hasn’t?! The average hair

3D geometry – Hair volume (basic)Read More »