This scenario tests basic arithmetic, unit conversion, and time calculations.Recommended grade: 6th.Difficulty level: Basic. This scenario was originally created by Kamil Wesołowski, Kacper Pogwizd, and Jakub Wojnar-Płeszka, students at the Cracow University of Economics. Scenario: Sylvia and Michael own a pizza place, “Omni Hut“, on a small island that’s a part of a big archipelago. […]

This scenario tests basic arithmetic and data analysis.Recommended grade: 6th.Difficulty level: Basic. This scenario was originally created by Karolina Semrau, Julia Zyzak, and Martyna Zyzak, students at the Cracow University of Economics. Martyna Zyzak is also a Clinical Dietitian with experience in pediatric nutrition. We encourage teachers to use this scenario as a way start

Nutrition – Are you what you eat?Read More »

Zakres tematyczny: marketing onlinePoziom trudności: innowacyjny 😉 Scenariusz: Prowadzisz startup Catstagram operujący w modelu SaaS – Software as a Service. Twoi klienci otrzymują dostęp do innowacyjnego produktu: narzędzia do automatycznego zarządzania Instagramem dla kotów i ich właścicieli. Do tej pory zdobywałeś użytkowników dzięki reklamie internetowej. Kampania reklamowa, którą przeprowadziłeś w zeszłym miesiącu, kosztowała Cię 8800

Ekonomia SaaS: CatstagramRead More »

Concepts addressed: box-and-whiskers plot, mean, variance, standard deviation.Recommended grade: 11th.Difficulty level: Basic. Scenario: Sure, school is kind of fun and all, but you’ve always thought that maybe becoming a streamer is the way to go. After all, have you seen how much money some of them make?! Well, we’ll never know if it’s worth it

Statistics – A streamer’s road to fame (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: refraction, geometric and trigonometric analysis Grade level: 10th. Scenario: A week ago, while walking through the park, I stood by the pond as I always do. While looking down at the water, I noticed something shiny – a golden coin! From where I stood, it seemed to be 1.50 m meters from the

Treasure in the pondRead More »

Concepts addressed: Projectile motion skills Grade level: 11th. An Advanced version of Car Jump is also available. Scenario: A Hollywood production has called you in as a physics expert. They are filming the latest Marvel movie and they need a shot of a car flying off a ramp and landing safely on the ground. To

Car Jump (basic)Read More »

Concepts addressed: Projectile motionGrade level: 12th.An easier version of Car Jump is also available. Scenario:A Hollywood production has called you in as a physics expert. They are filming the latest Marvel movie and they need a shot of a car flying off a ramp and landing safely on the ground. To do this they use

Car Jump (Advanced)Read More »