Concepts addressed: electrical power and analytical skills.
Grade level: 8th.
An advanced version of Saving Money with electricity is also available.

I got a gaming computer for my birthday and I use it to play Fortnite with my friends. When I go to sleep I leave it on, but it’s not doing anything (idle). Assuming I sleep for 8 hrs every day…
- How many hours of Fortnite would I be able to play with the energy I waste during one night?
- How much money do I waste over a year by not turning my computer off?
- The EU uses 220V electric systems while the US uses 120V. Compare their energy consumption for 3 hrs of gaming.
Computer while gaming: 400 W
Computer at idle: 100 W
Household voltage: 120V (US) || 220V (EU)
Useful calculators:
- Electricity Cost calculator –
Question 1 hints:
Question 2 hints:
energy * price = cost
Question 3 hints:
Solutions (WARNING: results may vary depending on price of electricity) :
Using the average price for electricity in the US ( 0.12USD/kWh)
Step-by-Step solutions (WARNING: results may vary depending on price of electricity) :
power_gaming * time_gaming = power_standby * time_standby
time_gaming = (power_standby * time_standby) / power_gaming = 100W * 8h / 400W = (8/4) h = 2 h
The result is that you game 2 hrs with the energy your computer uses on idle overnight.
total_cost = 0.12USD/kWh 0.100kW * 8h/day * 365day/year = 35.06USD/year
Bonus points if you use the real price of electricity in your region.